Monday, November 9, 2009

The Praying Hands

From childhood Albrecht Dürer (German artist, 1471-1528) wanted to paint. Finally, he left home to study with a great artist. He met a friend who also had this same desire and the two became roommates. Both being poor, they found it difficult to make a living and study at the same time. Albrecht's friend offered to work while Albrecht studied. Then when the paintings began to sell, he would have his chance. After much persuasion, Albrecht agreed and worked faithfully at his art while his friend toiled long hours to make a living for both of them.

The day came when Albrecht sold a woodcarving and his friend went back to his paints, only to find that the hard work had stiffened and twisted his fingers and he could no longer paint with skill. When Albrecht learned what had happened to his friend, he was filled with great sorrow. One day returning home unexpectedly he heard the voice of his friend and saw the gnarled, toilworn hands folded in prayer before him.

"I can show the world my appreciation by painting his hands as I see them now, folded in prayer." It was this thought that inspired Albrecht Dürer when he realized that he could never give back to his friend the skill which had left his hands.

Dürer's gratitude was captured in his inspired painting that has become world famous. And we are blessed by both the beauty of the painting and the beautiful story of gratitude and brotherhood.

"But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant" (Matthew 23:11, KJV).

  アルブレヒト・デューラー(ドイツ人芸術家、1471-1528)は幼少の頃から絵描きにあこがれ、やがて家を離れて偉大な先生の下で学び始め ました。そこで、同じ志しを持つ友人と出会い、二人はルームメイトになりました。貧乏暮らしをしながら学業に励むのは並大抵の事ではありませんでした。

  アルブレヒトの友人は、君が学ぶ間、ぼくが働こうと申し出ました。アルブレヒトの絵が売れ始めたら、今度は自分が学ぶ番にすればいいと。アルブ レヒトは、友人の強い説得に負けてそうすることに決めました。それから、友人が二人のために長時間働いて生活費を稼ぎ、アルブレヒトは熱心に芸術の勉強に 打ち込みました。



  「祈りのために合わされたその手を描くことで、全世界に僕の感謝を示そう。」 友が、かつてのような巧みな芸術的タッチを二度と取り戻せないことを悟ったアルブレヒト・デューラーに、そんな思いがわきました。



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