Today we learned how to make apple cider! The De' Jongs, another homeschooling family that lives in our town, came to teach us how.
First Step: Have tons of apples
1.りんごたくさん必要 800lb使いました。
Second Step: Throw the apples into the apple grinding machine (watch out for your fingers!)
2. りんごを、グラインディング マシンに入れます。
Third Step: Scoop ground up apples into cloths and then load them onto the pressing machine
3.グラインドしたりんごを、布の中に入れ 押しつぶすための機械に入れます。
Fourth Step: Layer the apple filled cloths on wooden platforms. Place them on top of each other and then press all the juice out.
Fifth Step: Fill the wheelbarrow with the remaining dry, useless apple junk and dump it in the woods.
Sixth Step: Line up the bottles and bottles of jugs, all filled with juicy goodness, and enjoy all winter long.
Awsome, it really remind me of Cnada - love you all - Anaik
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