Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christmas is Coming!

1997年以来のカナダのクリスマスを沢山の新しい場所、新しい人たちと一緒にイエスの誕生を祝えるなんて!素 敵で幸せな気分にさせられるクリスマスダンスの数々を他の人々に分かち合えられようにと、私たちの才能豊かなチャーが、子供たちの振り付けをおこなってい ます。12月に入ると、チャリティーイべントや老人ホームなどでショーが出来るようにと予約をとっているとこです。この素晴らしいシーズンに、キャロリン グもできたらと思ってます。素晴らしいクリスマスでありますよう、私たちは皆さんの心と共にいます、そして祈りの中でも一緒ですよ。
Yes, it's almost that time of year again--CHRISTMAS! This will be our first Christmas here in Canada since 1997 and we are all excited and looking forward to celebrating Jesus birthday with many new places and faces surrounding us. Our very own beautiful talented directors, Cha and Elena, are putting together a number of happy festive dance routines to spread the happy festive spirit to others. Dad will be calling the different charity centers and retirement homes in the area to see if we can perform for them in December. We are also hoping to do some caroling and make the absolute most of this wonderful special time of year! We will be with you all in our heart and prayers too, wishing you a beautiful Christmas--even if it's not white, at least that it will be bright!

Little Jason loves showing off his talent in dancing along with his Uncles and Aunties


Anaik said...

I have a little one named Jason too Cha - love ya - Anaik

Hatano Wallace Family said...

So cute--we'd love to meet him! Maybe one day in the future. We love you lots too. XXX

Chacha said...

oh really?? so sweeeet! it's a good name isn't it:) they must meet one day! hee hee

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