Monday, January 25, 2010

Eldorado Sled Dog Races

This weekend we all attended the Eldorado Sled Dog Races in Eldorado, Ontario, a small town not too far from our home. It was our first experience but one that was very exciting and educational. Willy, Chris and Brian all got to try their hands at racing a dog sled and they all did very well. We hope that you will be able to join us next winter for a once in a lifetime experience!

Willy was first up and he stepped right up without fear.
His dog was a little slower, but nevertheless, Willy and dog
made it safely across the finish line.

Chris had a faster team (also 2 dogs as to Willy's 1).

 Brians team were experienced dogs, both having raced
for a total of 33 years between them. They are retired now,
but still love to run!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Go Centurions Go!!!

Greg is on the basketball team this year and is doing well. They are now 7 wins 1 loss. Last game Greg scored two
baskets for 4 points!! Way to go Greg!!!

Here is Greg going for one of his two baskets!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Service

   Today we were invited to "Golden Pond" retirement residence to give Sunday service. We visited once before in December when we did our Christmas performance for the residents and they were very eager to have us back again.

今日は、日曜日の礼拝に呼ばれゴールデンポンド レジデンスホームまで行ってきました。12月のクリスマスショー以来で、住居者の皆さんはこの日をとても楽しみにしていたようです。

     Dad gave a sermon with little stories and lessons from the bible about God's blessings and love for us and the importance of having  a thankful heart to be happy. He then played some hymns,"Through it all" and "How Great Thou Art", which everyone joined in singing together.

The beautiful Elena then played "Amazing Grace" and "You've got a Friend" while Lixy croaked whole heartedly along in the back ground.イレーナが、アメージング グレース、ユーガッタフレンズをリクシーと一緒に歌いました。
William and Annie performed a lively happy dance "H.A.P.P.Y" that the ever talented and splendid Cha had put together for them just days earlier

And of course last but not least, we couldn't leave without sharing lots of hugs

We also enjoyed looking over some happy memories of pictures we had taken from our visit during Christmas

It was a great day. We went to give love and happiness and ended up also taking so much love and happiness back with us as well.There is no joy like shared joy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Loving Hands

    The Rev. Ira Gillett, missionary in the former Portuguese East Africa, tells the story of a group of natives who had made a long journey and walked past a government hospital to come to the mission hospital for treatment. When asked why they had walked the extra distance to reach the mission hospital when the same medicines were available at the government institution, they replied, "The medicines may be the same, but the hands are different!"

“Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness—kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting. In the slums we are the light of God’s kindness to the poor. To children, to the poor, to all who suffer and are lonely, give always a happy smile. Give them not only your care but also your heart. Because of God’s goodness and love every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things. Be open, ready to receive and you will find Him everywhere. Every work of love brings a person face to face with God.”
—By Mother Teresa of Calcutta, In the Silence of the Heart


「親切で, 憐れみ 深くあること 。人が、あなたのところに来た時よりもうれしく,幸せな気分にして 別れること。あなたの優しい顔、目、微笑み、温かい挨拶こそ、神の優しさを示す生きた見本となるのです。ス ラム街の中で、私たちは 貧しい人たちに対する神の優しさの光なのです。子供たちや貧しい人たち、苦しんでいる 人、孤独な人にいつも 幸せな笑みを投げかけてあげましょう。世話するだけでなく心も与えな さい。神の優しさと愛によって、私たちの人生の一瞬一瞬が偉大なる事の始まりとなるからです。もっと心を開いて、受け入れるならあなたは神をいたるところで見つけるでし ょう。すべての愛による働きこそが、人々を神に会わせるのです。」マザートレーサ

Care Hamilton

     This weekend Dad, Mom, Lixy, Willy and Annie, drove into "civilization!!" (Hamilton) once again.
     "Care Hamilton" was hosting a dinner party for underprivileged families to celebrate the dawning of a new year. A few months ago Dad was offered a seat on the board of  "Care Hamilton" by a friend who is in the process of setting up this newly established charity organization. This was our first opportunity to be involved with such projects and we were so happy to be a part of it 
The Italian Restaurant and our wonderful Chefs Frank and Vito!

Arts and Crafts for the kids
Appreciation and New Year's Toast


Karaoke and Singing

It was a wonderful evening, thanks to all the wonderful people who contributed and made it a wonderful beginning to a wonderful year

Ps. And a special thank you to Grandpa and Grandma who took good care of Willy and Annie back at home making them their own feast and evening full of fun.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Love never fails

      Many years ago a boy of ten was working in a factory in Naples. He longed to be a singer, but his first teacher discouraged him. "You can't sing," he said. "You haven't any voice at all. It sounds like the wind in the shutters."
      But his mother, a poor peasant woman, put her arms about him and praised him and told him she knew he could sing, she could already see an improvement, and she went barefoot in order to save money to pay for his music lessons. That peasant mother's praise and encouragement changed that boy's life. His name was Enrico Caruso, and he became the greatest and most famous opera singer of his age.
     Like it says in 1st Corinthians 13, "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things--Love never fails. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

      昔、10歳になる少年がナポリのある工場で働いていた。歌手になるのが少年の夢だったのだが、最初の教師は、こう言って彼を思いとどまらせた。 「君には歌えない。全く声量がない。まるで雨戸を揺する風のような声じゃないか。」
      ところが、貧しい農婦だった少年の母親は、少年を腕に抱き締め、心からほめると、こう言って励ました。「お前には歌える。歌が上手になっているのが、手に取るようにわかるよ。」 そして、少年が音楽のレッスンを受けられるようにと、自分は靴も履かずにお金を蓄えたのだった。そして、その母親の励ましと称賛は、少年の人生を変えた。少年の名はエンリコ・カルーソ。少年は、一世を風びした、最も偉大で、最も有名なオペラ歌手となったのである。

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Niagra Falls

A visit to Niagara on a cold winters day--Perfect!  The day after Christmas, seeing as we were in Hamilton and Niagara Falls was only about an hour drive away, we couldn't resist stopping in for a peak. Though it was cold and misty the Falls were powerful and beautiful and quite the sight to behold.

 After we were good and frozen we went inside to defrost and Daddy and Mommy got us all a nice hot chocolate and coffee from the one and only "Tim Horton's"

Elena found herself in her ultimate dream world

And we found some last remaining Christmas decorations of the year to capture memories with