Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday Service

   Today we were invited to "Golden Pond" retirement residence to give Sunday service. We visited once before in December when we did our Christmas performance for the residents and they were very eager to have us back again.

今日は、日曜日の礼拝に呼ばれゴールデンポンド レジデンスホームまで行ってきました。12月のクリスマスショー以来で、住居者の皆さんはこの日をとても楽しみにしていたようです。

     Dad gave a sermon with little stories and lessons from the bible about God's blessings and love for us and the importance of having  a thankful heart to be happy. He then played some hymns,"Through it all" and "How Great Thou Art", which everyone joined in singing together.

The beautiful Elena then played "Amazing Grace" and "You've got a Friend" while Lixy croaked whole heartedly along in the back ground.イレーナが、アメージング グレース、ユーガッタフレンズをリクシーと一緒に歌いました。
William and Annie performed a lively happy dance "H.A.P.P.Y" that the ever talented and splendid Cha had put together for them just days earlier

And of course last but not least, we couldn't leave without sharing lots of hugs

We also enjoyed looking over some happy memories of pictures we had taken from our visit during Christmas

It was a great day. We went to give love and happiness and ended up also taking so much love and happiness back with us as well.There is no joy like shared joy!


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