The Rev. Ira Gillett, missionary in the former Portuguese East Africa, tells the story of a group of natives who had made a long journey and walked past a government hospital to come to the mission hospital for treatment. When asked why they had walked the extra distance to reach the mission hospital when the same medicines were available at the government institution, they replied, "The medicines may be the same, but the hands are different!"
“Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness—kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting. In the slums we are the light of God’s kindness to the poor. To children, to the poor, to all who suffer and are lonely, give always a happy smile. Give them not only your care but also your heart. Because of God’s goodness and love every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things. Be open, ready to receive and you will find Him everywhere. Every work of love brings a person face to face with God.”
—By Mother Teresa of Calcutta, In the Silence of the Heart
「親切で, 憐れみ 深くあること 。人が、あなたのところに来た時よりもうれしく,幸せな気分にして 別れること。あなたの優しい顔、目、微笑み、温かい挨拶こそ、神の優しさを示す生きた見本となるのです。ス ラム街の中で、私たちは 貧しい人たちに対する神の優しさの光なのです。子供たちや貧しい人たち、苦しんでいる 人、孤独な人にいつも 幸せな笑みを投げかけてあげましょう。世話するだけでなく心も与えな さい。神の優しさと愛によって、私たちの人生の一瞬一瞬が偉大なる事の始まりとなるからです。もっと心を開いて、受け入れるならあなたは神をいたるところで見つけるでし ょう。すべての愛による働きこそが、人々を神に会わせるのです。」マザートレーサ
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