This evening we did our very first Christmas show! We were nervous and a little scared, especially when Mommy got sick and Daddy woke up this morning and wasn't able to open his eyes. Our show was for the "Lion's Club" in our town and we wanted to give them a special gift of Christmas cheer, so we were all praying really hard. Dad was in bed all day and Mom had a bad headache, but by faith we, the fearless children, we're ready to go in alone if we had too--Joey was even ready to take on the manly job of being our Master of Ceremonies and fearless leader. And then the miracle happened. Less then an hour before we had to leave Dad got up and suddenly the piece of debris that had gotten stuck in his eye disappeared and he was able to take off his patch. We headed off together to the community center where we were given a warm welcome and were greeted by friendly cheerful faces.今晩は、今年初めてのクリスマスショー!私たちは、特にナーバスでちょっと怖かった。なぜなら、ママは病気、パパは朝から目が痛く開けれない状態。ショーはライオンズクラブ。クリスマスの喜びを分け合えるようみんなで必死に祈ってました。でも、パパは一日中ベットにいなくちゃで、ママも頭痛がひどく、最悪の事態に備え私達だけで信仰によって出かける心構えをしました。ジョーも男性として覚悟を決め、いざ出陣という、ちょっと前に何と奇跡が起こったのです!パパの目に入っていたゴミのかけらが出てきたのです。パパは、立ち上がり眼帯を投げ捨て先頭に立っていざ出陣!<ふゅー>
The performance went great and everyone loved it! We were also able to give everyone a beautiful Christmas message and sold 6 Christmas CD cards. Less nervous and scared, we are now looking forward to tomorrow where we were invited by a friend to her church for their Christmas dinner party where we will perform for them! Yay, it really is a merry Christmas.皆さんからの、暖かい歓迎。そしてショーは愛らしく素晴らしくかったですよ。もう、恐れは半減。明日は、友達の教会のディナーショーに招待され、そこでショーをする予定です。いぇー!これこそクリスマスだ。
awww I'm so proud of you guys! You all look so cute and beautiful! nice costumes. ;)
Thank you Elena. Dad is always sure to tell everyone about "his daughter in the band in Toronto" and how you put together the cute dance for the kids. We are all so proud of you too.
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